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 About CWT
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 How I became a blogger... 

When I’m not working, gaming, crafting, concocting and writing new recipes, developing and experimenting in the kitchen with a new delicious dish/baked goodies, scrubbing dishes or washing mountains of laundry. I enjoy working out, weight training, attending car events and running 5K races with my Husband. (it counteracts all of the “un-healthy-ish” sweet treat recipe testing and keeps us sane!). I’m a huge Food Network fan, always tune in when I can, and have quite the impressive collection of almost every auto-biography and cookbook my favorite Food Network chefs have written. I inherited my passion for cooking and crafting through family, friends of the family and watching Julia Child when I was young. I was given the opportunity to make my first 3 course meal (which was my favorite meal and still is today) at the early age of just 9 years old and haven’t stopped cooking and crafting ever since.

Dedicated To My Love…

“You are the butter to my bread, and the breath to my life…”

Fast forward to 2015… Since the day I met my husband, he has opened my eyes to a new world, lent me his wings and gave me a chance to spread my own while being my support, my inspiration, my back bone, partner in crime, and all around gentleman. He has made me the happiest woman alive, helped me change to the lifestyle I have always wanted and dreamed of, I am honored to have him by my side. He has changed my life and continues to help me push myself everyday into the person I am today… Thank you sweetheart! My life style changed over the course of 3 years and has led to me lots of soul searching, trials and tribulations, tons of research, long chats, great experiences and the watching of how others approach a healthy lifestyle. These things combined have left quite a lasting impact on my approach to the food side of things! Since then, I’ve focused on creating and re-creating old family favorites into healthier dishes—and sweet treats—that we can eat on a regular basis without feeling guilty, greasy, or gross. Don’t get me wrong—we still love chocolate frosted donuts with rainbow sprinkles, saucy thick-crusted pizzas, warm baked breads, beer-battered French fries and gooey chocolate chip cookies! But we now treat those as occasional indulgences instead of a daily dish. And of course, we are just as human as the next and fall off the wagon here and there… But that’s when, you boost each other to get back on track in full force.

In 2017, I was extremely fortunate to create the Craft With Tammy website. CWT was born out of a desire to share my life's passion and creativity of cooking and crafting for the average person/family using easy and creative recipes, tried and true tips, budget friendly meals and making pocket friendly gifts, all while snapping real picture shots from my kitchen and craft table with the ability to offer my single handed opinion of products I personally use. I have taken the time to make good old fashioned family recipes and transformed them into a healthier dishes for those watching their figure and have changed their lifestyle habits like myself. All while keeping the original recipes here as well. So, whether you are on a Ketogenic friendly, Low-Carb, Sugar Free, a High-Carb and Protein Weightlifter/Bodybuilder diet, or the average family looking for easy, and hearty meals to bring you together to the dinning table that are super yummy… then you have found the right place to find something that will fit you! I truly believe we can all make healthier and easier options, simple yet amazing gifts from the hands that taste just as delicious and are as perfect as their indulgent and gorgeous counterparts.


Just look at these Chocolate Chip CookiesHandmade Gifts, Nana’s Old Fashion Custard, and Peanut Butter Oat-Raisin Protein Bars! These not being necessarily opposites, because they are all apart of my life now… with a little creativity and information anyone or any family can have home cooked meals, with healthy snacks and handcrafted gifts that are simple, budget friendly all while using semi homemade items, fresh ingredients and setting your mind to it.

Over my lifetime and many years of experience with cooking, crafting and learning to be frugal… Putting a modern twist on traditional things... I have compiled an overabundance of recipes and ideas to share with you from my home.





I have over 30 years of experience cooking & baking. I personally research thoroughly, test and tweak the ingredients, techniques, and create recipes, crafts, tutorials and reviews from methods I have learned over the years and from what I feel is perfection, my life’s passion is to share simply the best of what I enjoy with you. 

My recipes are all meticulously created and develop over many trials and tribulations on the kitchen and from the crafts table. Multiple recipes may be combined to make one and develop something grand, or specific ingredients may be tweaked, removing or adding additional amounts. They are carefully tested multiple times by me and undergo taste testing thanks to family and friends. They are the best critics! Don't get me wrong... There are some recipes that just do not need to be tweaked... i.e. the Chewy Walnut Chocolate Chip Cookies and My Family’s Sunday Gravy with Sausage and Meatballs are the best! 

NO professional doctored pictures, NO super fancy expensive ingredients, NO paid advertising... Real food, and photos from a real at home kitchen for real people! ​

I don’t believe you need a science degree or have be a 5-star Michelin chef to be successful in the kitchen! I did however love science and economics all through school. You would always find me in the science lab or kitchen experimenting late after hours on campus. My recipes are meant to be approachable, delicious, easy and are specifically designed for YOU to have success.

"Make new recipes, but keep the old... One is silver and the others Gold!"

          ~ Scouts Honor III.               


So join me on this journey as I share good food, handmade gifts,

& useful ideas from my home life to yours!

 Featured Posts 

"What are your 5 must have pantry staples?"

"What is your favorite homemade meal?"

"What is the most popular craft you make?"

"I would have to say that my Deco Mesh Wreaths or Homemade Cookie Trays are the most popular. They are great for gift giving, decorating my home, and donations."
Question Corner
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